A good product will not make and impact if not used in the right way. The insect industry is still very new and unknown to a lot of people. For this reason insectipro is actively involved in multiple projects to train and inform farmers on the use of our products as wel as the testing of our products. Find out how we are chainging the industries below:

Below you can find the projects we are/have been actively involved in.
The Rockefeller Foundation
Duration: 2021-2024
Product development, and testing of cricket-based products in partnership with JIKU. Develop a cricket-fortified porridge flour, conducted research on the nutritional outcomes at 300 school going children in Western Kenya.
The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)
Duration: 2021-2024
Testing the viability of smallholder farmer BSF production for substance and commercial production. InsectiPro provided production equipment, and trained 400 farmers on BSF production.
Alpha Mundi Training
Duration: 2021-2024
Cultivating BSF for increased organic fertilizer production. Set-up demonstration farms, train and supply 300 farmers using InsectiPro’s FortiGrow as fertilizer for their farming activities.
Incitis Food
Duration: 2021-2024
Develop the proof of concept for the production of liquid BSF fertilizer and test the usage of this.
Fly Gene Project
Duration: 2021-2024
Develop sustainable breeding programs by improving BSF genetics, genomics, and phenomics.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Duration: 2021-2024
Develop the proof of concept for a commercially viable, safe, scalable and inclusive insect production model for insects for food, feed, and fertilizer products in Kenya.
Feedtech Kenya
Duration: 2021-2024
During the project we have managed to train 650 farmers on better farming practices.